Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Rolling On

The leg is healing up nicely. There are only a couple of little spots left where they went in. There really wasn't much bruising and what there was is pretty much gone. The place on my arm where they blew out my vessel when they drew blood looks worse than my leg does. Lsst night we went to town and after a couple of stores my leg started hurting, but since then I've been fine. I walked normally all day and there's not any stiffness or pain tonight, so I'm guessing I should be 100% by tomorrow evening.

I've been getting some feedback from a few people on the blog. All of it's been positive so far and I appreciate all the support that everyone has shown us. It's really become a waiting game of sorts. We're waiting for next Tuesday to plan the surgery and after that we'll be waiting for the surgery. In the meantime, I'm busy preparing stuff at work for me to be out. It's going to be tuff to get everything ready for me to be gone for at least a month and it'll probably be even harder to catch up when I go back. Thankfully I'll have the laptop at home and can at least keep my email checked. When I checked Friday after just being out Thursday for the cath, I had over 10 messages to read. I can only imagine what it would be like if I didn't check it for 6 weeks.

I was talking with Dad the other day and it brought back a few more memories from the first surgery. I'll see if I can remember the well enough to post them later. Till then, thanks for reading.


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