Sunday, June 11, 2006

Waking Up

I was asleep before they even got me out of my room. After that, everything was very surreal. I remember waking up and DeAnne being there and I remember having the breathing tube in. With it, I wasn't able to talk. I slept in between visits from DeAnne and everyone else. I didn't think they were ever going to take the tube out. They eventually did though and I was able to talk after that. The rest of the day was much the same. In and out of sleep, mainly waking up when visitation was allowed. They eventually let me have some ice to wet my mouth with and that led to later having an actual sip of water every so often. Like I said, it was very surreal coming in and out of sleep and not really knowing what was going on.

Every so often they would come and take a chest x-ray. They used a mobile x-ray machine and in order to get the image they had to push a board that had the film in it up under my back. This meant that I had to roll towards one side while they pushed the board under me. Not something I looked foward to.

Saturday morning they decided I was ready to go to a room so they pulled the chest tubes and after a little while they took me to the room where we would spend the rest of our visit.

On a side note, today is our 1 year wedding anniversary. We've been talking about it and we both agree that the last year has flown by. It's hard to believe that we've been married a year already. I know that marraige has it's ups and downs, but if the future is as easy and wonderful and blessed as the last year has been for us, then we shouldn't have any problems whatsoever.


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