Sunday, July 30, 2006

And Now for Your Regularly Scheduled Update...

I seem to be on a once/week schedule with the updates. Sunday must be the only day that I have time to post. Anyway, I'm still doing well. I think we've just about got my blood thinner regulated. The last 3 or 4 tests have come back slightly low, but close enough to the range we want that we haven't really changed the way I'm taking the medicine. Hopefully we can get the number up just a little bit and then we'll be set and I can quit having blood drawn 2 or 3 times a week.

As to how I feel. I think I've reached a point now where I have begun to actually feel better than I did before the surgery. It's going to take a bit more time to get completly over it, but things are going well and I know without a doubt that I'm going to feel great in a couple of months.

In other news...DeAnne's home improvement drive continues. We bought a new light fixture for the dinning room yesterday and spent all evening hanging it, determinging that it was too low, taking it down, hanging it back up and finally wiring it.

That's about it for this week. Work is still going well. We're busy as ever. Dad came out Friday and cut the grass for me. I'm still a few weeks out from being allowed to use a lawnmower or a weed eater again.

Till next time...


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