Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Report Remains the Same

Nothing new to report on this week. We still don't have my blood thinner regulated. We had several good weeks where things seemed to be normalizing and we had decided it was safe to go down to checking it once a week and then Friday it shot up real high (too thin), so now we're back to as often each week as it seems necessary. Hopefully tomorrow it will be better.

I'm sure you've all noticed that as things have improved, the frequency of the posts to the blog has slowed. In all honesty, I'm not quite sure what to do with it now. The general idea right now is to keep posting from time to time and to leave it up in the future for anyone who happens to stumble upon it. However, as many family and friends have made known, there are more than a few of you that have come to rely on the blog as a means of keeping up with Dee and I. As to that, I believe that I may start a new blog on which to keep you all updated as to what's going on in our crazy lives. Thoughts/comments on this idea would be much appreciated.

That's all I got for now.


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